Do-It-Yourself ProjectS


photo ©Michelle Skally Doilney

Forbidden City, Beijing, China.DIY_Projects_files/fall%20projects.pdf
Click for downloadable         9 Feng Shui ProjectsDIY_Projects_files/fengshuiprojects_1.pdf
photo ©Michelle Skally DoilneyDIY_Projects_files/9%20Winter%20tips_1.pdf

Wheel of Life, Jokhang Temple

Lhasa, Tibet

Click for downloadable         9 Winter Feng Shui ProjectsDIY_Projects_files/9%20Winter%20tips_2.pdf
Click for downloadable         9 Summer Feng Shui ProjectsDIY_Projects_files/9%20summer%20projects_1.jpg

photo ©Michelle Skally Doilney

Foo Dog, Katmandu, Nepal.

Monkey Temple Stupa, Katmandu, Nepal.

photo ©Michelle Skally Doilney

Click for downloadable         9 Autumn Feng Shui ProjectsDIY_Projects_files/fall%20projects_2.pdf
photo ©Michelle Skally DoilneyDIY_Projects_files/springprojects_1.pdf

Gardens Doorway,    

Shanghai, China.

Click for downloadable         9 Spring Feng Shui ProjectsDIY_Projects_files/springprojects_2.pdf

      9 Feng Shui Projects

Have a Feng Shui consultation using your own floor plans for personalized feedback and solutions. And, try these universal ways to shape your environment on your own:


1.For 9 days in a row, remove 3 articles of clothing you no longer wear each day from your closet or dresser. Toss or donate them.

2.For 27 days in a row, remove 1 item from your garage that you no longer need.

3.Give your front entrance a makeover: Look at your front entrance with new eyes. Is it welcoming and visible? Add a splash of color, decoration, or landscaping/potted plant to make your front door stand out. Fix anything that is broken or worn. Remember: your entrance is others’ first impression of you!

4.Keep only what you really love and need. For 9 days in a row, give away or donate one item per day that you don’t really love or need.

5.Sort your desk drawers. Dried up pens? Broken pencils? Misfiled papers? Clear clutter in your workspace and clear your mind.

6.Pick a weekend to fix or replace broken items in your home. Call a plumber, handyperson, or good friend for support. Enjoy having balance in your space instead of avoiding and being annoyed by what’s broken.

7.Experiment: remove the TV, piles of work, exercise equipment, or bookshelves from your bedroom. Notice your quality of sleep after the change.

8.Once a week, clean out your refrigerator and cupboards so that only fresh food or (canned/boxed/frozen) food that you know you’ll use remains. Keep healthy, nourishing energy in your kitchen and “dead” or “expired” energy out.

9.Feeling “drained”? Keep toilet lids down and drains covered or plugged when not in use. Keep energy from “going down the toilet” or “going down the drain”.

© Michelle Skally Doilney